Month: April 2013

  • Sigh. English.

    Sigh. English.

    Eye halve a spelling checker
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marques for my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

    Eye strike a key and type a word
    And weight four it to say
    Weather eye am wrong oar write
    It shows me strait a weigh.

    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    It's rare lea ever wrong.

    Eye have run this poem threw it
    Eye am shore your pleased two no
    It's letter perfect awl the weigh
    My checker tolled me sew.

    Margo Roark

  • Fun Day

    I watched Daria and Savva today while their mom was at a meeting.  She was meeting south of downtown so the kids were here at the "city house."  We went to the zoo.  It was so fun to watch them, especially Savva.  He would get all excited and wide-eyed when he spotted a new animal.  Then he would start jabbering and say, "meow."  It seems as though he thinks all animals say meow.  Even the elephants were meowing according to Savva. 

    The meerkats were a favorite and so were the elephants.  They have two young, not baby but still nursing calves and they were playing.  They were splashing in the water and rolling in the dirt and they were almost wrestling with each other.  They would run and fall down and the other one would plow into them and roll around.  They were having great fun with each other.